Over 35 Years of Experience Creating Natural and Long-Lasting Smiles

Our Patients Claim We Are the Best Dentists in Guatemala!

I went to this dental clinic for years and they managed to fix my teeth. I am very grateful to them. I would definitely recommend this dental clinic. Thanks Ceprosi!

Carlos A.

I was impressed with the new facilities, they are certainly still the best.


Very attentive and empathic, excellent Service.

Juan S.

The best dental clinic I have ever been to in my life. The customer service is excellent and the procedures they performed on me have been a success, super professional. Highly recommended!

Josué P.

Our Disctintions

Latest Technology

At Ceprosi Dental, we are proud to offer fully equipped, state-of-the-art facilities and state-of-the-art 3D technology.

Quick Treatment

We are committed to offering highly efficient and personalized dental treatments.

Treatment Guarantee

At Ceprosi Dental, we back the quality of our treatments with a solid guarantee.

Affordable Prices

At Ceprosi Dental, we have a distributor of dental materials and implants of the best quality.

Most Requested Treatments

Dental Implants

Dental Crown and Bridges

Special Packages



Duration: 45min
Includes: Digital Intraoral X-Rays, evaluation by a specialist, diagnosis with intraoral camera, 15% discount on treatment plan.



Duration: 45min
Includes: Panoramic and Digital Intraoral X-Rays, evaluation by a specialist, diagnosis with intraoral camera, 15% discount on treatment plan.



Duration: 1hr
Includes: Panoramic and Digital intraoral X-Rays, evaluation by a specialist, diagnosis with intraoral camera, 15% discount on treatment plan, complete dental cleaning, fluoride application.



Duration: 1hr
Includes: Intraoral scan, digital smile design, photographies, Panoramic and Digital Intraoral X-Rays, evaluation by a specialist, diagnosis with intraoral camera, 15% discount on treatment plan.



Duration: 15min
It is shared by desired electronic means.



Duration: 1hr
4 payments of Q.500/$65
24 monthly installments of Q.350/$50
Includes: clinical examination, evaluation by an Orthodontic specialist, intraoral digital x-rays, panoramic and cephalometric x-ray, study models, placement of upper and lower metal Mini-Brackets, treatment plan, 25% discount on Pre-Orthodontic treatments.

Our Location

If you are from Guatemala City or traveling from another area, the Ceprosi Dental Team is eager to welcome you. With reasonable prices, the latest technology, and appointment flexibility, it's time to make Ceprosi Dental your dental home. Experience dentistry redefined!








24/7 emergencies

8AM – 6PM 

8AM – 6PM 

8AM – 6PM 

8AM – 6PM 

8AM – 6PM 

7AM – 12PM 



We are located in a privileged area of zone 10, in front of the Interamericas Building on one side of Diagonal 6, half a block from the Las Margaritas Building.

Trust Our Experience

24/7 emergencies

Our team is available to respond to emergencies 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. We are here whenever you need us for fast, gentle and professional attention.

Reservation Convenience

Our office remains open from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM Monday through Friday. Saturdays from 7:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Except for emergencies, we attend by appointment.

Family Programming

Busy families love us! We accommodate family group appointments, ensuring everyone can get their checkups together.

Dental Sedation

We have been a general anesthesia provider for more than 15 years. From the public sector for pediatric dentistry to older and nervous patients. You can rest assured with us.

We Advise You For Free!

Leave us your information and one of our dental advisors will gladly contact you as soon as possible. Do you have insurance? In your free consultation we can guide you on how to use your current insurance with us. Because we love to see you smile, contact us now!

Contact Us

We would love to provide you and your family with an incredibly amazing dental experience. Call +(502)- 2328-4500 or schedule your appointment online to coordinate your visit. We will be in contact soon.or schedule your appointment online to organize your visit. We will be in touch!

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Ceprosi S.A.

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Última actualización: Enero 10 del año 2024

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En ningún caso CEPROSI, S.A. será responsable de daños indirectos, incidentales, especiales, consecuentes o punitivos, o de cualquier pérdida de beneficios o ingresos, ya sea incurrida directa o indirectamente.


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Dr. Otto Rehwoldt


Dental Director of the specialist staff for 25 years, Clinical Director of Procad Lab (In-House Digital Dental Lab), and General Director of Ankormed, Executive Distributor in Guatemala for leading brands such as Straumann Group and Neodent, Tech Suture and Trophy.

His extensive expertise spans from distributing the world's top-selling dental implants and exclusive state-of-the-art biomaterials to clinical oversight ensuring the highest quality standards in the cutting-edge dental treatments offered by Ceprosi Dental.

Dr. Javier Quiñonez

Dental Surgeon

Dentist graduated from the University of San Carlos of Guatemala with extensive experience in Implantology, Oral Rehabilitation and Radiology, has completed various international courses to stay updated with the latest technology and best practices in performing procedures.

Dr. Roberto Gordillo


Anesthesiologist with extensive experience in sedation for patients in clinics. Graduated as a medical doctor and surgeon with specialization in Anesthesiology from the University of San Carlos, he stands out for his patient-centered approach and commitment to safety and comfort during medical procedures.

Dr. Alejandro Curán

Maxilofacial Surgeon

A distinguished graduate of Francisco Marroquín University, he is a recognized and respected maxillofacial surgeon. With a renowned specialization from Pontificia Javeriana University in Colombia, he currently serves as the chief specialist in maxillofacial surgery at Hospital San Juan de Dios. His innovative approach and commitment to excellence have significantly contributed to Ceprosi Dental.

Dr. Antonio Callejas


A prominent Periodontics Specialist, trained at the University of San Carlos with specialization from the University of Chile. With extensive experience in the treatment and prevention of periodontal diseases, he has gained recognition for his compassionate approach and personalized solutions for his patients.

Dr. Alejandro López

Maxilofacial Surgeon

Maxillofacial surgeon with extensive experience. Graduated from the University of San Carlos of Guatemala, he completed his postgraduate studies at the Hospital General de Accidentes, specializing in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. He is a prominent and active member of the Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, and has made significant contributions to our clinic.

Dr. Francisco López


Dr. Francisco Javier López Pineda. Class of '27 at Liceo Javier. Dentist graduated in 1993 from the University of San Carlos of Guatemala. Postgraduate studies in Endodontics at the University of San Luis Potosí, Mexico, in 1997-1998. With 30 years of clinical practice focused exclusively on Endodontics. He has taken updating courses in this branch of dentistry nationally and internationally since 1997.

Dr. Erick Padilla


Highly experienced orthodontist who has successfully treated over 10,000 patients. Graduated from the University of San Carlos, he specialized at Long Island University and New York University, certifying him as an international expert in his field. His patient-centered approach and extensive experience have established him as an authority in the field of orthodontics.